ChiWhoBike #33

A young man stands smiling holding a grey electric Divvy bike. He's wearing black pants, a wool lined jean jacket over a black shirt with a pedestrian silhouette on it, and a grey beanie, and has light skin with a medium cut reddish brown beard.

This is not my bike, these are the Divvy’s. I ride these mainly in the summer, I would say. But they’re electric Divvy’s, they’re all around the city, and I love riding them. They’re fast, efficient, and they get me where I need to go. I use them for work, for pleasure, for meeting up, for getting around the city. Sometimes it’s transporting stuff, but really, anything. If I need to get somewhere in the city that I know I can bike, I’d most of the time rather take a Divvy than walk or take a car.

I’ve been biking probably my whole life. I grew up here, so I biked to high school a lot, and that was fun. Then I left the city for college, and coming back, really what sparked it was the pandemic, trying to get back out, get active, and see the city a little more. And that got me back on my bike to get back out. Then that slowly transitioned into me being like a full on Divvy supporter and getting on these basically every day when it’s warm out.

As much as I think we can do more infrastructure stuff, there have been some great improvements recently. I know Belmont Street just got a whole redo of the bike path, which is looking really cool. Down on Dearborn downtown, there’s some improvements that are really great. For Divvy, we used to just have regular bikes and adding these new electric bikes every year and making sure they’re maintained has been really cool. I was personally a Divvy hater when they came. I didn’t really understand what they were trying to get at, but over the years, their dedication, and the improvements they’ve made, like with this electric bike only stand, you know, these weren’t here 2, 3, 4 years ago and now they are, and they’re super helpful just to get anybody in this area a bike now, which is awesome.

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