ChiWhoBike #52

A man smiles wide sitting on his Bunch trike, with his two daughters in the front. The man is wearing light blue pants, white sneakers, and a grey jacket, and has short black hair and light brown skin. His bike is a Black bunch trike with a wooden front box.

I work downtown, so I bike downtown three days a week. We use this Bunch bike to drop the kids off to and pick up from school. Which is nice because again, I know that if I’m running late, it’ll only take me seven minutes to get to school. Same thing with going downtown. You know, when I go downtown for work, it takes me 30 minutes. I can plan out my day better if I have something going on after work, I know that I can meet them wherever they need to be within 30 minutes without worrying about traffic.

I think a lot of the trails, the routes to get there are becoming somewhat difficult. On the 606 you can get to the end of the 606, which is Ashland. But then you stop at Ashland Avenue, which is a lot of traffic and it’s a little dangerous to cross. And in order to get across there, you have to cross multiple lanes of traffic which is somewhat difficult. So if I wanna get to the lake, I take the 606 to Ashland and then I have to go through some neighborhoods to find a bike route to get to the lake. And it takes a little bit of time. It’d be nicer if there was just a straight route, a straight path I can get through without having to navigate my way through busy streets.

I’ve been biking since I got to Chicago, really. Back before kids, I would bike around the city, and I had a 1984 Schwinn that I picked up from a yard sale. And that thing was like 30 pounds, it took me forever to get around the city. Over the years I’ve gotten different bikes and I’ve gotten into racing. So I have a tri bike, I have a road bike, I have a get around town bike, which is single speed. We have this Bunch bike. And having the bike and being able to go to places without having to worry about traffic has been great for our family. We’ve been able to spend more time in parks and go to other areas within our neighborhood quicker without the kids being stuck in car seats. It’s been great.

A closer shot of the same family on their Bunch trike.
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