ChiWhoBike #2

A woman with shoulder length curly black hair stands holding her black hybrid bike on a gravel path with abundant flowers and plant life poking in from both sides. They are dressed up in black sandals, blue pants, and a grey sleeveless top with earrings and other jewelry.

This bike is probably about 33 years old, I got it in college and it’s been great. It’s really my main bike, and you don’t have to have this nice, you know, $2,000 bike. Like I’ve never spent more than $350 on a bike, but people think you have to have all of this gear and special stuff and you really don’t.

I think people think of biking as something like oh I’ve got to prepare for this, I’ve got to put on these clothes, and you know I take a more European idea towards it. I specifically dressed up so I could show like, this is typically what I wear. I ride to go out, I wear heels when I’m biking, and I very rarely change to go biking. I actually started this Instagram called I Biked In This and it’s kind of showing here’s what you can wear when you are cycling, like you can be dressed up. I actually rode my bike to a wedding once! People think of it as something that’s hard to implement in their regular life, but it’s really easy to do.

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